Homeless Prevention Assistance

prevention assistance

Prevention Assistance helps individuals and families maintain their current housing by providing short-term rental assistance accompanied by support services as they access resources and expand job opportunities in order to become independent once again.

How to enroll

Applications for Prevention Assistance are accepted through the Pierce County online portal. Please call 211 and complete an intake for other types of housing assistance.

Agencies throughout Pierce County Providing Various Housing Assistance Programs




RRH Frequently Asked Questions

Housing First is a homeless assistance approach that Share & Care House uses that prioritizes providing permanent housing to people experiencing homelessness before pursuing supportive services.  

Financial assistance is based on gross income. If a family does not have income after the first month, Share & Care House may pay for the full rent while you work with us to pursue an income development plan.

Assistance is on a case to case basis as approved by Pierce County and typically up to six months.

Prevention Assistance is provided to Individuals and Families who currently have housing and are in need of rental assistance and case management.